At PM Technology we are used to work to be a premium quality company; for us it means to supply our customers high quality and reliable products at a competitive price and, at the same time, as far as product itself is not enough, we work hard to guarantee the highest service level possible. What can we offer to our customers?
1. Fast Delivery Thanks to substantial annual investments in production process and machinery innovation we reduced the average production time to 15 working days which can decrease to 10 working days during specific year seasons. This advantage gives to our dealers the power to catch not only standard sales but also most of urgent requests that may rise.
2. Spare Parts When our customers need support for product maintenance we can supply components they need and assist during this step in order to make this process the easiest possible for all the customers of PM Technology.
3. Warranty We think that no customer has to fear that the supplier may doesn’t support when products fail. Although our return product rate is far lower than 0,5% we always support our customers to promote and strength the partnership and to turn PM Technology a trustful brand in the market.
4. Sales Support We contact monthly by our newsletter many companies in every country and we revert to our dealer all requests we receive so we can be as a sales team of our same customers.
These are just few of our service features that according to our current customers make PM Technology a premium quality company to work with.
Get in contact with us for further info, we will be pleased to assist you.